Donate to become a water ambassador for Segou and help solve the clean water crisis in Segou!
Segou is the 4th largest region in Mali, but many of its citizens do not have easy access to clean water for drinking and daily use. They either have to collect rainwater or travel very long distances to use the wells of other cities and even the water from those wells is often polluted and unsafe to use. This predicament has led to Mali having an average life expectancy of 60.8 years, 203rd out of 223 nations. Infants have suffered terribly from this issue, as 114 out of 1,000 infants die before age 5.
A large majority of these deaths are due to insufficient access to clean water and illnesses caused by lack of water, such as diarrhea. Not only will thousands of the current population benefit from the well, but also the future generations of Segou.
Leading Causes of Death in Mali